[From the Crimean Central Archive. Microfilm from Family History Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, No. 2063580 “Papers, 1794-1916, Tavrida (Province), Tavrida Nobles Assembly.” Translated by Mark Conrad, 2003. ]

Attestations of service rendered by Hadji Ibrahim Aga, 1791. 


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Attestation!       Copy.


For Hadji Ibrahim Aga [Gadti Ibragim Aga], in that in January of the past year of 1788 he was sent by me to Anapa to spy out enemy intentions, and where he came under the suspicion of Pasha Koise-Mustafa. But through his cleverness he was able to remove himself from mistrust and indeed he gained the pasha’s confidence. He sent him to Anatolia and Constantinople [Tsar Grad] where he was presented to the vizier Pasha Gozef. From here he was sent by sea to Ochakov to Hassan Pasha and Khan Shah Bas Girei who at that time was with his forces on the River Prut near the place called Khan Tepe. Khan sent him back to Hassan Pasha with Chegadar and to Hadji Bey, from where he found an opportunity to depart and come to our army at Ochakov. I bear witness to this, Hadji Ibrahim’s efficiency, loyalty, and zeal. Given under my signature and with my seal in Karasubazar, Taurica Region, 18 April 1791.


I am, General-in-Chief of the All-Merciful Sovereign Her IMPERIAL MAJESTY, commanding the corps in the Taurica peninsula, colonel-in-chief of the Kherson Musketeer Regiment, and cavalier of the orders of St. Alexander Nevsky and St. Anne,




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Attestation of Ensign Adzhi Ibrahim Aga, who until the taking of the town of Anapa by storm was with me and who carried out important assignments from me with exceptional success and efficiency, and who at the capture of that town of Anapa by storm was present solely due to his zeal to serve Her Imperial Majesty as a volunteer in the column under the command of Major General and cavalier Baron Schits, in which he distinguished himself in particular by his courage and example to others. In evidence of which this is given by me as his due reward, with my signature and seal on the 1st day of the month of July of the year 1791.


General-in-Chief of my All-Merciful Sovereign Her IMPERIAL MAJESTY, commander of the forces in Taurica, colonel-in-chief of the Kherson Grenadier Regiment, and cavalier of the orders of St. Alexander and St. Anne,





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(Russian text, Cyrillic for Windows.)


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