(From Geschichte
der k. u. k. Train-Truppe. Chronik der wichtigeren Ereignisse und
Verfügungen über ihre Entwicklung. Franz Breitwieser. Vienna,
Supply Train Troops in the Occupation of Moldavia and
The basic causes of the Oriental War of 1854-1856
lay in Russias efforts to bring the Black Sea under its control and
thus win unimpeded access to the Mediterranean Sea. These efforts were opposed
by the closed ranks of the Porte and other great powers to one extent or
another. In 1854 it came about that all Europe had set itself against
Russias ambition.
On 2 July 1853, the Russians under Gorchakov (50,000
men) marched into Moldavia and deployed their forces throughout Walachia.
On 5 February 1854, Austria put an observation corps of 25,000 men on the
Serbian border since Russia was not complying with Austrian wishes that they
not cross the Danube, evacuate the principalities after the end of the war,
and not take away any territory from Turkey.
On 22 February the Observation Corps was strengthened
to 50,000 men. Feldmarschalleutnant Graf Coronini took command with headquarters
in Semlin. Russia deployed three corps on the Galician border and in addition
sent 2 infantry and 2 cavalry divisions into Moldavia and blocked the passes
leading to Transylvania.
On 3 July, Austria accompanied a demand for the
evacuation of the principalities with a simultaneous order to mobilize the
3rd and 4th Armies and parts of the 1st. The 3rd Army marched into Transylvania
and the Bukovina, the 4th went to Galicia, and the Serbian-Banat Army Corps
was designated for the eventual occupation of the Danubian principalities.
On 14 June, Austria concluded an agreement
[Konvention] with the Porte to
occupy the Danubian principalities. The Russians yielded to this pressure.
They began to evacuate Walachia on 5 July and Moldavia on 5
Half of the Serbian-Banat Army Corps marched from
Transylvania into Walachia on 22 August, and the other half entered Moldavia
on 16, 17, and 18 September. Craiova, Bucharest, Galats, and Jassy were occupied.
The occupation of the principalities by Austrian troops was intended to hinder
any Russian offensive and guarantee the integrity of
After the fall of Sevastopol on 8 September 1855,
Austria stepped in again as a mediator and this eventually led to the third
Paris Peace Treaty. In accordance with this, occupied Ottoman territory was
to be evacuated within six months. Consequently, on 17 April 1856 Austrian
troops began to leave the Danubian principalities. The Occupation Corps was
disbanded in the beginning of August and the final clearance of the Danubian
principalities completed on 30 March 1857.
The Crimean
After the successful raising of the siege of Silistria
on 22 June 1854, France, England, and Turkey decided on the invasion of the
Crimea. On 14 September about 30,000 French troops, 28,000 English, and 6000
Turks landed near Eupatoria.
The storming of Sevastopol on 8 September [1855]
was the climactic action. Sevastopol was evacuated by the Russians (about
80,000 men) on the 9th. Following some small-scale operations in the Crimea
there came the Paris Peace Treaty on 30 March 1856, whereby Russia renounced
its protectorate over the Danube principalities (which at once became united
as Romania), gave up the mouth of the Danube and part of Bessarabia,
reduced its fleet in the Black Sea, and had to promise not to rebuild
[Detailed chronology
for the supply train troops.]
February. [At this time Austrian relations with
Turkey were temporarily strained due to Christian revolts in parts of the
Balkans M.C.] The allotment of government vehicles at full wartime
levels was to be: for a divisional or brigade headquarters 1 two-horse
baggage cart [Bagagekarren]; for
a regiment with three battalions 1 four-horse covered pay wagon
[Kassadeckelwagen], 1 two-horse field forge
[Feldschmiede], 1 two-horse medical wagon
[Sanitätswagen], 19 two-horse baggage carts (1 for the
headquarters and 18 for the sub-units), and 2 spare horses. The men were
to be drawn from the troops being supported, counted as supernumerary and
given the title of drivers
For a corps operating towards Bosnia, army transport
resources had to be differently organized to ensure the movement and supply
of logistical needs, as those resources were intended for operations in civilized
lands and not in a region where there were no practicable lines of communication
and every axis of movement was cut by impassable mountains and waterways
lacking bridges. The greater part of the vehicles had to be given up and
the army corps supplied with packhorses
[Packpferde]. Each infantry battalion required 62 packhorses,
each of which could carry 160 pounds net.
12 February. It was decided to buy 3800 packhorses
[Tragpferde] in Hungary. These
were to be from 13 hands 2 inches [13
Faust 2 Zoll] to 15 hands tall and from 5 to 9 years old, each costing
from 70 to 80 imperial florins. The horses were to be well built with straight
backs and strong loins, but neither a pleasing appearance nor lack of blemishes
was demanded. Bizarre colors, scaly skin, and minor bone protuberances, as
well as galls, were to be ignored. A third of the horses had to be capable
of being harnessed to transport wagons in case of need.
These packhorses were to be formed into divisions
[Divisionen] of 250 horses. A division
consisted of 1 company-grade officer
[Oberoffizier] as commandant, 1
sergeant [Wachtmeister], 3 full
corporals [wirkliche Korporalen]
(1 for keeping accounts), 3 lance corporals
[Vizekorporalen], 89 privates
[Gemeinen], 9 reserve privates,
1 personal servant [Privatdiener],
2 blacksmiths, and 1 saddler, being 110 men total with independent accountability
to the supply-train regional post commands
[Fuhrwesens-Landespostokommanden] in Vienna, Prague, Brünn,
Budapest, Graz, and Agram.
Attached to a packhorse division were: 1
officers riding horse, 3 non-commissioned officers riding horses,
and 8 draft horses from the packhorses, plus 1 two-horse field-forge wagon
with 1 set of field-forge hand tools and 1 four-horse baggage
At this same time the required numbers of men
on leave were to be immediately called up in each region by the Headquarters
of the Military Supply-Train Corps
and provided with kit, and the necessary officers, wagons, and draft harnesses
were to be assigned. In the meantime, leather collars, collar reins, ordinary
bits, bridles, and hand reins for the horses were to be gotten out of the
26 February. Political differences with the Porte
were almost eliminated, so it was ordered that the purchase of horses be
suspended and the production of packsaddles discontinued.
On 8 June Feldmarschalleutnant Gottfried Ludwig
von Reschenbach, who had been provisionally charged with the command of the
Military Supply-Train Corps since 20 May 1851, was designated commandant
of the Corps.
19 July. The military supply-train matériel
depot at Moldauthein, which a All-Highest decision of 2 November 1852 ordered
to be closed, ceased official operations on 19 July 1853 and was joined to
the supply-train matériel depot at Prague.
6 August. His Imperial-Royal Apostolic Majesty
was pleased on 6 August 1853 to order the discontinuance of the infantrys
and cavalrys provisions wagons
[Proviantwagen] and their incorporation
into the supply-train transport as additions to the column supply stores
[Kolonnenverpflegsmagazine] in
the field for the purpose of ensuring the delivery of foodstuffs to the troops.
For the future, a general discontinuance was also ordered for the use of
packhorses by line infantry, frontier troops, and jägers during wartime
for transporting the baggage of not only the subordinate units, but also
of field-grade officers from captains on up. To make up for this and enable
baggage to be brought up, new two-horse, four-wheel baggage wagons
[Bagagekarren] were to be introduced,
conforming to the test trials of troop requirements and fully capable of
field service.
The driver-privates
[Fahrgemeinen] for horse-drawn transport were no longer to be
drawn from the Military Supply-Train Corps, but chosen from the regiments
and battalions own soldier complement and counted as additional to
the complete personnel strength. For foot troops they were armed only with
a grenadier saber, had leather cuffs
[Strupfen] on their pants, and
were to be given boots and spurs instead of shoes, after the pattern for
German cavalry. These men were to have the extra pay
[Superplus] of supply-train privates
on top of that of infantrymen.
On 2 February, given prevailing conditions in
Serbia whose development could not be predicted, as well as equally unforeseeable
political ramifications due to military operations by the Russians and Turks
close to this country, a corps of 25,000 men was ordered set up on a wartime
footing to preserve the interests of the monarchy as well as the security
of the borderlands.
Consideration was given to the need for baggage
animals and locally obtaining the required number as far as possible, while
pack saddles [Tragsättel]
were to be sent out from Vienna.
In February the Serbian-Banat Army Corps consisted
of 18 battalions, 4 companies (2 pioneer, 1 engineer, and 1 medical), 8 squadrons
of cavalry, 56 guns, and 4 bridging units
[Brückenequipagen]. The 9th Army Corps consisted of 15
battalions, 3 companies, 20 squadrons, 52 guns, and 2 bridging units, totaling
28,714 men, 1933 privately owned horses, 3984 riding horses, 1168 light draft
horses, 1752 pack horses, and 1264 heavy draft horses. The Serbian-Banat
Army Corps numbered 31,948 men, 1752 privately owned horses, 2003 riding
horses, 1282 light draft horses, 3346 pack horses, and 1445 heavy draft horses.
Supporting both of these corps were also 2037 men, 280 privately owned horses,
6 riding horses, 242 light draft horses, and 70 heavy draft horses. The 11th
Army Corps had 29,381 men, 1782 privately owned horses, 199 riding horses,
1166 light draft horses, 246 pack horses, and 1520 heavy draft horses. The
division of troops in Croatia consisted of 18,321 men, 1125 privately owned
horses, 1019 riding horses, 784 light draft horses, 1732 pack horses, and
542 heavy draft horses. The brigade of troops in Dalmatia had 7726 men, 342
privately owned horses, 66 riding horses, 72 light draft horses, and 1653
pack horses.
With the 9th Army Corps were: 2 bridging units
with 126 men, 16 riding horses, 122 heavy draft horses, and 50 light draft
horses; 1 medical company with horse-drawn transport276 men, 12 privately
owned horses, 2 riding horses, and 2 heavy and 44 light draft horses; an
ammunition supply reserve
men, 8 privately owned horses, 22 riding horses, 342 heavy and 36 light draft
horses; 4 wartime transport divisions
men, 40 riding horses, and 8 heavy and 840 light draft horses; 1 corps limber
men, 3 privately owned horses, 8 riding horses, and 2 heavy and 30 light
draft horses; 9 packhorse divisions
[Tragtierdivisionen] for a brigade
operating in mountainous terrain, consisting of 1112 men, 63 riding horses,
72 light draft horses, and 1554 packhorses.
With the Serbian-Banat Army Corps were: 4 bridging
units with 252 men, 32 riding horses, and 244 heavy and 100 light draft horses;
1 medical company276 men, 12 privately owned horses, 2 riding horses,
and 2 heavy and 44 light draft horses; an ammunition supply reserve428
men, 10 privately owned horses, 23 riding horses, 365 heavy and 36 light
draft horses; 4 wartime transport divisions616 men, 40 riding horses,
and 8 heavy and 840 light draft horses; 1 corps limber division52 men,
3 privately owned horses, 8 riding horses, and 2 heavy and 30 light draft
horses; and 18 packhorse divisions for 2 brigades operating in mountainous
terrain, consisting of 2224 men, 126 riding horses, 144 light draft horses,
and 3108 packhorses.
Supporting the two preceding corps in common were:
2 admitting hospitals
[Aufnahmsspitäler] with 436
men, 60 privately owned horses, 4 riding horses, and 4 heavy and 196 light
draft horses; 4 field hospitals
[Feldspitäler]1036 men,
210 horses; a field-bakery horse-drawn transport division
with 10 sets of equipment57 men, 2 riding horses, and 66 heavy and
8 light draft horses; and the medicine field depot
[Medikamentenfelddepot] with 28
men and 38 light draft horses.
The 11th Army Corps was similarly
A horse-drawn transport division with 10 sets
of field-bakery equipment consisted of: 1 officer, 1 sergeant
[Wachtmeister], 3 full corporals
[wirklichen Korporalen], 4 lance
corporals [Vizekorporalen], 43
privates, 1 officers servant
[Offiziersdiener], 2 blacksmiths
[Schmiedgeselle], 1 wagon repairer
[Wagnergeselle], and 1 saddler
[Sattlergeselle]; 1 two-horse
field-forge wagon
[Feldschmiedewagen], 2 two-horse
conductors wagons
[Leiterwagen], 1 four-horse covered
wagons [Deckelwagen], and 10 six-horse
field-bakery wagens
The ammunition support reserve of the 9th Army
Corps consisted of: 176 men, 6 privately owned horses, 7 riding horses, and
55 heavy draft horses from the artillery; from the supply train corps
[Fuhrwesenkorps]1 captain
[Rittmeister] with 2 of his own
horses, 3 subaltern officers, 3 sergeants
[Wachtmeister], 18 corporals, 1
senior veterinarys assistant
[Oberkurgeselle] or senior blacksmith, 6 blacksmiths, 3 saddlers,
182 privates, 4 officers servants, 3 four-horse baggage wagons
[Bagagewagen] for artillerymen,
6 four-horse forage wagons
[Fouragewagen], 3 four-horse covered
wagons, 3 two-horse field-forge wagons, 15 duty riding horses
[Dienstreitpferde] 270 heavy and
36 light draft horses, and 17 heavy reserve horses.
In March, the train sections
[Trainabteilungen] of the Serbian-Banat Army Corps consisted
1) The ammunition
support reserve consisting of: 1st Section
[1. Abteilung] - Horse-drawn Trains
[Fuhrwesensbespannung] Nos. 52
and 53 with 163 men and 250 horses; 2nd Section - Horse-drawn Train No. 51
with 81 men and 124 horses, together with the artillery (433 men and 436
horses in Alt-Pazua and Neu-Pazua); Wartime Transport Divisions No. 43 in
Glogon, No. 44 in Peterwardein, No. 45 in Uginovse, and No. 46 in
Blijevsce-Jakova, each of about 150 men and 220 horses; Limber Division No.
65 in Temesvar of 207 men and 149 horses; Packhorse Divisions Nos. 54, 58,
60, 61, 62, 63, 68, 69, 70, 71, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, and 101, each
of about 150 men and 220 horses, in Karlowitz, Petrovce, Szurduk,
2) Horse-drawn
Chancellery and Finance Office No. 72
[Kazlei- und Kassabespannung Nr. 72]
with 4 men and 16 horses, in Semlin; Field Bakery No. 41 with its horse-drawn
transport, of 56 men and 77 horses, in Mitrowitz-Semlin; Receiving Hospital
No. 1 [Aufnahmsspital Nr. 1] with
Horse-drawn Transport Nr. 48
[Bespannung Nr. 48] 176 men, 101 horsesin Dobanovce.
Many packhorse squadrons were still being formed or were on the
Included in the Serbian-Banat Army Corps were:
Wartime Transport Divisions Nos. 43 through 46; Medical Division No. 39
[Sanitätsdivision Nr. 39];
Limber Division No. 65; Wartime Bridge Divisions
Nos. 21, 22, 30, and 38; Reserve Ammunition Horse-drawn Transport
Nos. 51, 52, and 53; Hospital Horse-drawn Transport No. 48
[Spitalsbespannung Nr. 48] (for Receiving Hospital No. 1); Bakery
Division No. 165 for four sets of equipment; Finance-Office and Chancellery
Horse-drawn Transport Division No. 72
[Kassa- und Kanzleibespannungsdivision
Nr. 72]; Packhorse Divisions Nos. 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 68, 69, 70,
71, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, and 101; and finally the horse-drawn transport
for the main ammunition reserve and heavy ammunition reserve, the horse-drawn
howitzer transport of the heavy reserve, the army limber division, siege
train, and the drivers at the ammunition field depot
[die Bespannungen für die
Munitionshauptreserve, schwere Munitionsreserve, Haubitzenbespannung der
schweren Reserve, Armeeprozentodivsion, Belagerungstrain und die
Kondukteurschaften beim Munitionsfelddepot].
On 23 April an Instruction
[Instruktion] was issued based on an All-Highest written directive
of 6 March 1854, given to address the needs of an infantry brigade for packhorses
meeting its logistics requirements when operating in mountainous terrain.
According to this guidance, such a brigade would have a provisions column
[Proviantkolonne] of 8 packhorse
divsions plus a ninth packhorse transport division to meet other needs. Each
of the 8 packhorse provisions divisions
[Provianttragtierdivisionen] was to consist of: 2 officers, 2
sergeants, 4 corporals, 8 lance corporals, 1 trumpeter, 96 privates, 3
blacksmiths, 2 saddlers, 2 officers servants, 7 riding horses, 2 heavy
and 6 light draft horses, and 166 packhorses, or a total of 120 men, and
181 horses. There was to also be 1 two-horse field forge, 1 four-horse covered
wagon, 1 two-horse baggage wagon, 2 two-horse and 1 four-horse complete draft
harness sets [Zuggeschirre], 5
sets of riding equipment for non-commissioned officers
[Unteroffiziersreitzeugen], and
166 pack saddles. The 9th Packhorse Transport Division numbered an additional
32 privates and 60 packhorses. For five infantry brigades there were thus
40 packhorse provisions divisions requiring 166 packhorses and 5 packhorse
transport divisions needing 226 packhorses.
By railroad, there would be sent to Pest (fully
equipped but without packsaddles):
- From Bohemia: 4 packhorse divisions of 166 packhorses and 1 of 226;
from Moravia: 5 divisions of 166 packhorses; from Hungary 1 division of 226
packhorses and 19 of 166. From Pest they would be sent to Croatia by the
shortest route.
- From Klosterneuburg: 3120 packsaddles with accessories to Pest,
and 1600 to Peterwardein. The Military Supply-Train Corps
[Militärfuhrwesenkorps] was to send the necessary officers,
officials, and specialists to the various places where the units would be
fitted out.
On 19 June the Serbian-Banat Army Corps (Graf
Coronini) was using the following numbers of horses, transport vehicles,
and train personnel: 741 riding horses, 2955 draft horses, 3257 packhorses,
and 352 horses for artillery transport; 33 light carriages
[Kaleschen], 49 two-horse and 288 four-horse equipment wagons
[Rüstwagen], 126 two-horse
covered wagons, 236 four-horse and 5 six-horse wagons of other types; 47
men under private contract and 4761 men on the imperial payroll. This was
a total of 4808 men, 7305 horses, and 737 wagons. In particular, the corps
headquarters utilized 153 men, 192 horses, and 33 wagons; the division of
Feldmarschalleutnant von Wolf170 men, 282 horses, 22 wagons; the division
of Graf Paar168 men, 356 horses, 26 wagons; ancillary corps (engineers,
medical, pioneers)268 men, 450 horses, and 113 wagons; the corps cannon
reserve and ammunition supply reserve with Artillery-Reserve Horse-drawn
Transport Nos. 51, 52, and 53714 men, 799 horses, and 146 wagons; for
the three supply train replenishment commands
(Captains Rödling, Kemmel, and Storchimfeld)12 men, 12 horses,
6 wagons; for the 41st Horse-drawn Field Bakery18 men, 30 horses, and
5 wagons; Reception Hospital No. 1 including horse-drawn transport68
men, 102 horses, and 24 wagons; Field Medical Supplies Depot
[Feldmedikamentendepot] including
horse-drawn transport31 men, 50 horses, and 12 wagons; for Wartime
Transport Divisions Nos. 43 to 46595 men, 886 horses, and 207 wagons
(each with 10 riding horses, 212 draft horses, 50 four-horse equipment wagons,
and 1 four-horse covered wagon); 65th Limber Division305 men, 694 horses,
and 27 wagons; 18 packhorse divisions, being Nos. 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63,
68, 69, 70, 71, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 103, and 109 (69, 70, and 109 without
any location indicated, only listed)1800 men, 2828 horses, and 48 wagons,
each with 7 riding horses, 8 draft horses, and 226 packhorses; Nos. 54 and
58 each with 148 men, 241 horses, and 3 wagons (1 two-horse equipment wagon,
1 two-horse covered wagon, and 1 four-horse covered wagon); the other divisions
with 166 packhorses but otherwise the same. These were located in Semlin,
Pazua, Becskerek, Weisskirchen, Werschetz, Pancsova, Mitrowitz, Ruma,
Peterwardein, Karlowitz, etc.
On 13 July the Corps Horse-drawn Transport
[Korpsbespannungskommando] was
in Semlin. The Serbian-Banat Army Corps was to immediately move to Transylvania
[Siebenbürgen] in several
columns from its current positions. There it was to replace the 3rd Army
troops designated to join the 4th Army in Bukovina. The corps cannon and
ammunition reserves were to march to Máros-Vásárhely
and Konkurrenz.
The four wartime transport divisions, Limber Division
No. 65, and the eighteen packhorse divisions being organized were to follow
the corps as soon as each received the local transport vehicles assigned
to them.
The 13th Pioneer Company with the two horse-drawn
units of bridging equipment was to march from Semlin to
Máros-Vásárhely and Konkurrenz; the 4th Medical Company
with all its vehicles was to also go to these points from Pancsova; Reception
Hospital No. 1 was to go to Udvárhely; Field Hospital No. 1 was to
go to Máros-Vársárhely and No. 2 to Schässburg
in Transylvania.
3 August. The Corps Horse-drawn Trains Commandant
was Major Tyll. From the corps packhorse sections, a portion with some
of the stronger horses was used for wartime transport divisions with local
On 11 August a halt was put to the march and
relocation of the packhorse divisions due to their being reformed into wartime
transport divisions.
On 19 August, the 21st and 22nd Wartime Bridging
Units (horse-drawn transport consisting of 2 officers, 138 men, and 184 horses)
marched from Tolmács to Kinien in Walachia.
On 20 August three brigades entered Walachia.
Behind one brigade marched: an immediate ammunition reserve
[Munitionshandreserve] with 35 men, 44 horses, and 14 vehicles;
the 45th Wartime Transport Division with 86 men, 173 horses, and 42 vehicles
(with provisions and fodder), reaching Boitza on the 21st, Kinien on the
22nd, Titesti on the 23rd, Salatung on the 24th, Kunte Argis on the 25th,
resting on the 26th, Manizesti on the 27th, Pitesti on the 28th, resting
on the 29th, Kalinesti on the 30th, Gojesti on the 31st, Boinesti on 1 September,
resting on the 2nd, Floresti on the 3rd, Bolentin on the 4th, resting on
the 5th, and arriving at Bucharest on the 6th.
Behind a second brigade marched: the immediate
ammunition reserve with 17 men, 22 horses, and 6 vehicles; Wartime Transport
Division No. 43 with 86 men, 173 horses, and 42 vehicles (with provisions
and fodder), reaching Kinien on 23 August, Kalimonesti on the 24th, Rimnik
on the 25th, resting on the 26th, Orlesti on the 27th, Dragosony on the 28th,
Kolibash on the 29th, resting on the 30th, Balsh on the 31st, Teslni on 1
September, and arriving at Krajova on the 2nd.
[No details are given for the third
brigade M.C.]
All halts were bivouacs. The routes through border
passes into Walachian territory were very bad and there were no bridges over
rivers and streams. At Kinien a pontoon bridge was laid over the Aluta. In
order for guns and vehicles to move over the steep and very bad stretches
of road between Kinien and Ardish, oxen were placed in readiness at the points
in question, so that the guns as well as the other transport vehicles were
by this means brought through the most difficult parts. On the way from Kinien
to Rimnik and also to Ardish a suitable vanguard with pioneer tools was sent
out in front of the troops in order to remove any kinds of obstacles as best
it could.
27 August. One-half of a medical company, Field
Hospital No. 8, and the 47th Wartime Transport Division under the command
of Captain Steljno marched on 27 August from Orsova to Turn-Severin, reaching
Gutul on the 28th, Estrehaja on the 29th, resting on the 30th, Butojesht
on the 31st, Filias on 1 September, Kolzofeni on the 2nd, resting on the
3rd, and arriving at Krajova on the 4th.
[Is this the transport for the third
brigade mentioned above? M.C.]
On 31 August the 51st Galician Reserve Ammunition
Supply Division (22 men and 41 horses), 1 pioneer section, and the 21st and
22nd Wartime Horse-drawn Bridging Units (154 men and 187 horses) were sent
out from Gojesti to march to Bucharest.
The total wartime strength of the 3rd and 4th
Armies that was supplied by this train transport amounted to 315,599 men
who had a daily requirement of 307,319 portions of bread, salt, tobacco,
cooking flour [Kochmehl] or other
vegetables, plus 72,773 portions of oats each of 1/8 Metzen [1 Metze=0.9081
dry quart] and 15,536 portions at 3/16 Metzen. Other foodstuffs needed to
keep the troops supplied, such as hay and drink, were brought up by local
transport. The train officers at headquarters did not have anything to do
with the number of supply trains, but rather with the kinds of supplies.
There were brigade provisions officers
[Brigadeproviantoffiziere] who
were responsible for keeping the whole brigade supplied. The point of view
was maintained that it was indispensable that the army be supplied with all
necessary trains, but on the other hand, there was also the concern that
each increase of the train beyond actual needs was a great hindrance to the
armys mobility, so that the least possible expansion of the train was
an objective pursued with the most zealous effort.
10 September. The Train Transport Corps
[Transportfuhrwesenskorps] for
the 3rd and 4th Armies consisted of 2444 equipment wagons or 49 wartime transport
divisions, with 6 empty wagons remaining available.
Field Marshal Hess was commander-in-chief of the
3rd and 4th Armies. The 3rd Army consisted of the 9th, 11th, 12th, and
Serbian-Banat Corps, and the 1st Cavalry Corps; the 4th Army consisted of
the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 10th Corps and the 2nd Cavalry Corps.
19 October. The chief commandant of army horse-drawn
of the 4th Army was Major Herbert. Available train transport consisted of:
2934 men, 4276 horses, and 1040 vehicles (20 two-horse field-forges, 20
four-horse covered wagons, 1000 two-horse rack-wagons
[Leiterwagen] with Wartime Transport
Divisions Nos. 121, 122, 150, 151, 152, 153, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182,
187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 234, and 235, each of 52 vehicles. All were
with the troops positions around Lemberg and Drohobycze.
3 December. Since generals and, in some circumstances,
other high-ranking staff officers of an army corps cavalry might happen
to visit military train units, such persons were sent copies of
Instruction for the Resupply Captain
[Instruktion für den
respizierenden Rittmeister] for use in their duties. In this
Instruction, it was set forth that the purview of commanders in charge of
resupply in regard to their subordinate divisions extended to external duties,
as well as to internal administration, and in this regard the external duties
had priority and determined internal administrative duties. In peacetime
the resupply commanders were subordinate to a regional post command
[Landespostokommando], and in wartime
to an army horse-drawn transport command
[Armeebespannungskommando]. In
regard to the men the external duties of a horse-drawn transport unit
encompassed: 1) keeping them fit for service (appropriate horse-handling
instruction and facilities
[Menage], good quarters, application
of the sanitary regulations); 2) uniform clothing, accouterments, and equipment
(full amounts and conforming to regulations); professional training of the
men (moralrespect for oneself and ones professionand technical,
foot drill, riding school and drivers training with instruction in
the use and maintenance of harness, wagons, and equipment); in regard to
horsesfeeding, care, shoeing, treatment of tired and unfit horses,
matters concerning horse furniture, vehicles, and equipment; external duties
in regard to carrying out tasks, whereby the basis for all train duties lies
in the application of horses to draft work with the most careful attention
given to appearance, temperament, and physical capability. Internal duties
were: control of financial accounts (pay, advances for transport, and special
15 December. At the end of November the train
for the mobile 4th Army consisted of: 10,787 men, 11,332 horses, and 6
eight-horse, 33 six-horse, 2230 four-horse, and 720 two-horse
December. The artillery and supply train vehicles
and carriages currently used, as well as equipment transport and covered
wagons, were modified and for new production were made withthis being
the main thingless cumbersome dimensions.
The provisions (equipment) wagon measured 23 Schuh
[22 feet 7 inches; 1 Schuh=11.81 inches] (from the point of the shaft to
the rear projection
[Landwiedenvorschuss]), the track
width was 3 Schuh 6 Zoll [3 feet 6 inches]. The smallest arc described in
turning was 26 Schuh 8 Zoll [26 feet 3 inches] in diameter. Capacity was
1200 bread portions (=600 loaves) or 130 10-pound portions of hay, or either
448 5-5/8 pound portions of oats or 20 to 25 hundredweights
[Zenter]of flour in barrels, or
20 hundredweights of zwieback in barrels, or 1 1/4
Klafter [1 Klafter = 0.941 cord] of wood, or 20 casks of wine
in two ten-bucket assemblages.
1 January. The strength of the 3rd Army in
Transylvania (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and Serbian-Banat Corps, and 1st Cavalry
Corps) was: 100 battalions, 32 2/4 companies, 112 squadrons, 436 guns, and
10 bridging units with a total of 202 field-grade officers, 3557 company-grade
officers, 163,799 men, and 44,062 horses.
18 January. The train assets with the mobile 3rd
Army comprised: at main army headquarters
[Armeehauptquartier] 530
men, 758 horses, and 149 four-horse and 62 two-horse vehicles; at the army
high command [Armeegeneralkommando]
4583 men, 3278 horses, and 6 six-horse, 705 four-horse, and 371 two-horse
vehicles; with the 9th Army Corps 1459 men, 1604 horses, and 5 six-horse,
309 four-horse, and 93 two-horse vehicles; with the 11th Army Corps
1416 men, 1526 horses, and 5 six-horse, 278 four-horse, and 74 two-horse
vehicles; with the 12th Army Corps 1431 men, 1547 horses, and 7 six-horse,
306 four-horse, and 81 two-horse vehicles; with the 1st Cavalry Corps
398 men, 547 horses, and 3 six-horse, 118 four-horse, and 7 two-horse vehicles;
with the Serbian-Banat Corps 3832 men, 3623 horses, and 10 six-horse,
661 four-horse, and 389 two-horse vehicles; a total of 13,657 men, 12,900
horses, and 34 six-horse, 2526 four-horse, and 1075 two-horse
22 January. In the 3rd Army, Wartime Transport
Divisions Nos. 66, 67, 154, and 155 belonged to the 9th Army Corps; Nos.
123, 124, 175, 176, and 236 to the 11th Army Corps; Nos. 183, 184, 185, 186,
and 231 to the 12th Army Corps; Nos. 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 237, and 238 to
the Serbian-Banat Army Corps; Nos. 156, 157, 102, 106, 107, and 108 to the
1st Cavalry Corps; and Nos. 97 and 98 to the army headquarters of the 3rd
Army. All together these came to 30 wartime transport divisions [sic, 29
In the 4th Army, Wartime Transport Divisions Nos.
179, 180, 181, 192, and 241 were with the 2nd Army Corps; Nos. 187, 188,
189, 121, and 177 were with the 4th Army Corps; Nos. 150, 151, 152, 153,
and 178 were with the 10th Army Corps; Nos. 42, 182, 191, 234, 235, 242,
and 250 were with the 2nd Cavalry Corps; and Nos. 122 and 190 were with the
army headquarters of the 4th Army. All together these were 24 wartime transport
In addition, in Lower Austria, Bohemia, and Moravia
there were Wartime Transport Divisions Nos. 59, 69, 84, 87, 95, 96, 100,
101, 112, 113, 240, 246, 247, 248, and 249, or a total of 15 wartime transport
divisions. In all, there were 69 wartime transport divisions for the 3rd
and 4th Armies.
20 May. It was announced through an army order
that the occupation of the Danube principalities had given the troops assigned
to this mission the opportunity to prove themselves under difficult conditions
in the face of many hardships and demands in perseverance while operating
in these war-torn lands that had just recently been the scene of strife.
The troops here had proven themselves to their advantage and most satisfactorily
maintained their innate military spirit as well as their fine material condition.
As a result, at the time that the army corps began to leave the principalities,
the Kaiser expressed his satisfaction with the generals and field and
company-grade officers, as well as all lower ranks.
In December, as a result of a new organizational
statute, the military supply train corps
[Militärfuhrwesenskorps] was
to consist of a supply-train general inspectorate
[Generalfuhrwesensinspektion] in Vienna (inspector-general of
the train, with 1 field-grade officer and 1 subaltern as adjutants), 7 regional
supply-train commands
[Landesfuhrwesenskommanden] (the
1st in Vienna, for Upper and Lower Austria, Styria, and the Tyrol; the 2nd
in Prague, for Bohemia; the 3rd in Brünn, for Moravia and Silesia; the
4th in Verona, for Italy, Carithnia, Crainola, and the Coastal Lands; the
5th in Budapest, for Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia, the Temes Banat, and the
Voivodina; the 6th in Hermannstadt, for Transylvania; and the 7th in Lemberg,
for Galicia and the Bukovina), 24 train transport squadrons
[Fuhrwesenstransporteskadronen], 9 supply-train matériel
depots [Fuhrwesensmaterialdepots]
(the 1st in Klosterneuburg, the 2nd in Marein, the 3rd in Prague, the 4th
in Moldauthein, the 5th in Olschau, the 6th in Treviso, the 7th in Budapest,
the 8th in Thorda, and the 9th in Drohobycz), 12 supply-train maintenance
depots [Fuhrwesensstandesdepots]
(the 1st in Vienna for Upper and Lower Austria; the 2nd in Graz for Styria;
the 3rd in Chrudim for the conscription districts of Infantry Regiments Nos.
11, 18, and 21; the 4th in Prague for the districts of Regiments Nos. 28,
35, 36, and 42; the 5th in Brünn for Moravia and Silesia; the 6th, in
Laibach for Carinthia, Crainola, and the Coastal Lands; the 7th, in Verona
for Lombardy and Venetia; the 8th, in Budapest for administrative districts
of Ofen, Pressburg, Ödenburg, and for Croatia and Slavonia; the 9th,
in Grosswardein for the administrative districts of Grosswardein and Kaschau
and the Temes Banat and the Voivodina; the 10th, in Hermannstadt for
Transylvania; the 11th, in Cracow for West Galicia; and the 12th, in Lemberg
for East Galicia and the Bukovina).
A supply-train transport squadron was to consist
of: 1 senior lieutenant, 1 junior lieutenant 1st class, 1 senior farrier
and veterinary assistant
[Oberkurschmied]; 6 sergeants,
18 corporals, 1 trumpeter, 60 privates, 2 officers servants, 2 blacksmiths,
1 wagon repairer, and 1 saddler, with 8 riding horses, 74 heavy draft horses,
1 four-horse covered wagon, 17 four-horse equipment wagons, 1 two-horse
field-forge wagon, totaling 2 officers, 92 men, 82 horses, and 19 vehicles.
A suppy-train maintenance depot was to consist of: 1 senior lieutenant or
junior lieutenant 1st class, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, 1 private, 1
officers servant, or a total of 6 men. A supply-train matériel
depot was to consist of 1 captain
[Rittmeister] 1st or 2nd class,
1 senior lieutenant or junior lieutenant 1st class (2 in Klosterneuburg and
Prague), 1 accounting official
[Rechnungsoffizial], 1 master blacksmith, 1 master wagon repairer,
1 master saddler, 1 sergeant (2 in Klosterneuburg and Prague), 5 corporals
(15 at Klosterneuburg and 9 at Prague), 6 to 27 privates, 2 officers
servants, 2 to 6 blacksmiths, 1 to 3 wagon repairers, and 1 to 3
The personnel for a regional supply-train command
consisted of: 1 field-grade officer as commandant, 1 captain as technical
deputy [Adlatus], 1 other captain,
1 subaltern, 1 accounting official, 1 or 2 assistant accountants
[Rechnungsakzessisten], 1 veterinarian
[Tierarzt] 2nd class, 2 corporals
(but 3 in Prague and 4 in Vienna), and 2 to 5 officers servants. Of
the various commands field-grade officers, 3/5 were to be majors, 1/5
lieutenants colonels, and 1/5 colonels. Of the subaltern officers, half were
to be senior lieutenants and half junior lieutenants 1st
The total personnel strength was: 1 general
inspectorate of the supply train, 7 regional supply-train commands, 24
supply-train transport squadrons, 9 supply-train matériel depots,
and 12 supply-train maintenance depots with 1 inspector general of the supply
train, 8 field-grade officers (2 colonels, 2 lieutenant colonels, and 4 majors),
20 captains, and 80 subaltern officers (40 senior and 40 junior lieutenants),
being a total of 109 officers.
31 December. In Moldavia there were still 7006
men and 2113 horses, which included the supply-trains 44th Squadron
with 120 men and 219 horses.
26 January. The remaining troops in the Danubian
principalities prepared to withdraw since the region had to be cleared by
the end of March. Supply-train units were to march to the following stations:
the ammunition supply reserve with Packhorse Transport No. 51 to
Karlsburg; the field post office
[Feldpost] with Horse-drawn Transport
No. 239 to Hermannstadt; Field Printing Press No. 3
[Feldpresse Nr. 3] - to Vienna;
Horse-drawn Medical Transport Section No. 39
[Sanitätsbespannungsabteilung Nr. 39] to Sissek by water
and then to Slatina; the field inspectorate of the supply train - to Bucharest
and Galicia; Transport Squadrons Nos. 44 and 45 were to accompany the infantry
battalions as they marched.
On 17 February the position of military supply-train
corps commandant
was abolished, but in its place was created the position of a general inspector
of the supply train
* *
* *
Translated by Mark Conrad,