drawings for the Russian cavalry,
Regiments (1).
By Aleksandr Val'kovich.
(From Tseikhgauz No. 14, 2/2001.)
your swift pencil and draw, Orlovskii, the night and the forest clearing!
This line by Pushkin was directed at the famous artist of that time
Aleksandr Orlovskii [Orlowski] (1777-1832), a splendid representative of
romanticism in Russia. In 1802 he moved from Warsaw to St.
Petersburgyoung, talented, already achieving recognition. Graf Stanislaw
Potocki introduced him to Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich and so the tsesarevich
also became acquainted with the Polish artists work. His dynamic sketching
and ability to capture a subjects
characteristic lines pleased the tsars brother. Orlovskii was
installed in the Marble Palace and designated one of the court artists with
the enviable salary of six thousand roubles a year, almost two and a half
times more than the state allowance for a general of the
The artists duty, according to a contemporary, lay in
executing the demands of the grand duke, who ordered various drawings from
him on subjects related to the organization and reorganization of the Russian
. In 1809 Orlovskii achieved the title of academician of
battle paintings for his picture Cossack Bivouac. Ten years later
he was assigned to the Military Topographical Depot of His Imperial
Majestys Main Staff to create drawings of Russian army uniforms. But
the artist is best known for his lithographic sheets depicting cavalrymen,
battle scenes, Russian troikas, and scenes from civilian
Of his work executed at the orders of the grand duke we can identify
a series of 16 engravings from 1803-04 depicting officers and lower ranks
of Guards infantry and artillery in newly introduced
uniforms.[2] In 1807 Orlovskii presented
a new piece of work to the tsesarevich13 watercolors depicting the
uniform, equipment, and weapons of the Imperial militia battalion that was
formed.[3] Finally, in 1808-10 the
artist executed 57 model drawings for cavalry regiments, done on large sheets.
Of these he himself made engravings of two to serve as examples, in outline
only, without shading. The rest were all engraved by Academy artists. In
the fall of 1810 the work on this series was completed. On 1 October there
was written in the journal of the Academy council:
The sum of 2369 roubles 9 kopecks in three receipts, presented by
the honorable vice-president after being received by him with a letter from
His Highnesss adjutant Colonel Ivan Grigorevich Lagoda, for drawings
done by academician Orlovskii, engraved and printed at the Academy for cavalry
regiments. This money is to be entered as income and disbursed for payments
by the appropriate
The first 22 lithographed sheets were numbered and show dragoon regiments.
There were no other numerations. Twenty sheets are devoted to cuirassiers
and 15 to
hussars.[5] It would be difficult
to overvalue the significance this unique source material. It is only to
be regretted that sheets with lancers are absent. The model drawings were
widely used by artists under Nicolas I and were incorporated into the
illustrative work of Istoricheskoe
opisanie odezhdy i vooruzheniya rossiiskikh
A few of them were used in regimental jubilee
However, they have never been reproduced in their
The drawings for dragoon regiments do not have the date of their creation.
Also not dated is their description, which managed to be found in one of
the tsesarevichs chancellery filesthat of 30 August 1807 for
his position as inspector-general of all
cavalry.[8] Nevertheless, it is possible
to answer the question of what time they belong to by looking at the
illustrations themselves. The dragoons are shown in coats with shoulder straps
only on the left shoulder and in the new-model helmets that were approved
on 26 November 1808. Thus the drawings could not have been made before that
date. At the same time, non-commissioned officers galloon lace is sewn
along the bottom and front edges of the collar, and we know that on 4 April
1809 these ranks were ordered to henceforth have galloon along the top and
front edges. It follows that these model drawings must date from November
1808March 1809.
The dragoons are armed with the 1806 pattern
palash broadsword and firearms
that at the time were still called muskets
[mushkety]. It should also be noted
that regardless of the compiler of
Istoricheskoe opisanie
to dragoon regiments (except those located in the Caucasus Inspectorate)
receiving new broadswords with steel
scabbards,[9] his artists preferred
to depict them in leather scabbards with metal fittings. Both were in use
during this time. It remains to be added that according to documents of the
Artillery Department, during the first half of 1811 dragoon regiments were
supplied with new broadswordsa fact that up to now has been overlooked
researchers.[10] Broadswords of the 1809
pattern[11] with blades ordered from
Solingen andin distinction from cuirassierswith leather scabbards
were sent to regiments of the 1st and 2nd Cavalry Divisions and the separate
brigade in Finland. Regiments of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Cavalry Divisions
were sent over seven thousand broadswords from the Kiev and Moscow arsenals.
These were
tsesarskii, which is
to sayAustrian, and must have been captured by our forces in the Galicia
campaign of 1809. In the Courland Regiment such broadswords came from Her
Majestys Leib-Cuirassier Regiment (probably after the cuirassiers had
received new ones). In the mentioned divisions only the Chernigov and Tver
dragoons, who already had Austrian swords, did not get new
weapons.[12] Thus it was that during
the Patriotic War of 1812 the blades of Russian dragoons were not inferior
to the enemys, in spite of statements to the
Being the first to publish and describe Orlovskiis lithographed
drawings, we do not consider it superfluous to also make known two other
rare documents. They are part of a register of model items apparently sent
out in the first half of 1808: Uniform for privates of dragoon
regiments and List of army cavalry regiments, with regimental
colors for the cloth of piping and trim as confirmed by Highest
Authority.[13] In the first document
an attentive reader familiar with the subject discovers a number of interesting
details in regard to 1803 pattern helmet (its prototype was the Austrian
cavalry helmet) and other parts of the dragoon uniform of that time. This
information has not been taken into account by any of the specialized published
works, including the basic standard
Istoricheskoe opisanie
. Also, it must be recognized that
the information contained in the second document regarding regimental facing
colors for the Livonia (Lifland), Zhitomir, Finland, and Mitau dragoon regiments
differs markedly from that presented by Viskovatov and in this instance raises
doubts as to the reliability of his
The author considers it his pleasant duty to acknowledge his profound
gratitude to his colleague Nina Mikhailovna Pyrova of the State Historical
Museum (GIM) for kindly providing the opportunity to become familiar with
the collection of Orlovskiis model drawings, to his longtime friend
Yurii Pavlovich Babyak for his help in preparing this publication,
and also to Aleksandr Vladimirovich Kibovskii for finding the portraits of
dragoon officers.
(To be
On the cover: Equestrian portrait of Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich. Painting by Baron D. Korf, 1877, from a watercolor by A. Orlovskii, 1805. (State Memorial Museum of A.V. Suvorov, St. Petersburg).
Page 11. Portrait of A.O. Orlovskii. Artist K.
L. Rikhel, 1815. (GRM)
Page 12. No. 1. Depiction of a mounted officer
seen from the left side in full campaign equipment with valise, and a greatcoat
in front under the shabraque.
No. 2. Depiction of a mounted officer seen from
the right side in full dress with the valise as ordered to be when on parade
during all reviews, containing a valise
[chemodan] in the pack load
[vyuk] while the greatcoat
is in front under the shabraque.
Page 13. No. 3. Presentation of a mounted
non-commissioned officer as seen from the right side in full campaign equipment
with valise. He is depicted holding a cane in his right hand, such as he
would appear when serving as an orderly or leading a detachment and he himself
is in charge while the detachment has swords in
No. 4. Presentation of a mounted non-commissioned
officer as seen from the right side in full parade equipment with sword drawn
and the pack load as ordered to be during all reviews.
Page 14. No. 15. Depiction of a dismounted officer
and non-commissioned officer in parade order, in which the non-commissioned
officer holds his drawn sword as for when on foot in
Top: Captain I.O. Bartenev of the Irkutsk Dragoon
Regiment. Portrait by an unknown artist, circa 1806 (Museum of the Borodino
Panorama). In 1807 Ivan Osipovich Bartenev (1770-1834) was promoted to major
and remained in that rank for eleven years. At the time of his retirement
he was ranked as the most senior major of light cavalry. I.O. Bartenev was
the father of the publisher of the journal
Russkii Arkhiv Petr Ivanovich Bartenev.
This well-known historian was convinced that his father took part in the
Battle of Borodino. All his later biographies freely repeated this story,
but documents show that in 1812 I.O. Bartenev, commanding the Arzamas Dragoon
Regiment, was with the 3rd Western Army. This does not at all lessen the
military services of the brave major. For capturing a flag at the storming
of Borisov on 9 November 1812 he was awarded the order of St. Vladimir 4th
class with ribbon.
Page 15. No. 16. Depiction of two dragoons on
foot in parade order, positioned as they would be in dismounted formation.
One holds his musket at his shoulder and the other presents arms
[sdelaet karaul]; the first view is from the front and the other
is from the left side. From the latter the bayonet scabbard can be seen clearly,
as well as how the sword is fastened to a hook.
Top: Company-grade officer of the Courland Dragoon
Regiment. Miniature painting by an unknown artist, circa 1810 (All-Russia
Museum of A.S. Pushkin). For a long time this portrait was considered a likeness
of the cavalry maiden Nadezhda Durova. However, she served in the light cavalry
and had no connection to the dragoons, so the name of this officer remains
unknown for now. This miniature shows the appearance of dragoon officers
after the reforms of 1807-1808.
Page 16. No. 5. Depiction of a mounted trumpeter
in full campaign order including pack load, viewed from the left side, with
the trumpet worn over the shoulder on the back and clearly showing the
arrangement of lace on the coat.
No. 6. Depiction of a dragoon in full campaign
order standing on the left side of his horse, holding him with his right
hand at the nosepiece of the bridle until such time as he would mount. This
also shows the entire campaign pack load.
Page 17. No. 7. Depiction of a mounted dragoon
seen from the left side in full parade order with the pack load as prescribed
for all reviews.
No. 8. Depiction of a mounted dragoon seen from
the left side in full campaign order and with complete pack
Page 18. Non-commissioned officer of the Vladimir
Dragoon Regiment, 1811. Watercolor by an unknown artist of the 1840s.
(Istoricheskoe opisanie
XI, No. 1449.) A clear example of artists utilizing A.O. Orlovskiis
model drawings.
[1] Karsavin, L. Orlovskii, Aleksandr Osipovich, Russkii biograficheskii slovar. Vol. ObezyaninovOchkin. St. Petersburg, 1902. Pages 313-315. Rovinskii, D.A. Podrobnyi slovar russkikh graverov. St. Petersburg, 1895. Columns 483-484.
[2] Rovinskii erroneously calls some of these sheets depictions of soldiers and officers of the Pavlovsk Regiment (op. cit., column 485). The only watercolors are now preserved in the State Hermitage while the State Historical Museum (GIM) possesses a complete set of engravings.
[3] Located in the Hermitage. The GIM collections have three copies of these watercolors given to the Finland Regiment by Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich in 1835. See Marin, A.N., Kratkii ocherk istorii Leib-Gvardii Finlyandskogo polka. St. Petersburg, 1846. Page 11.
[4] Rovinskii, D.A., op. cit. Column 499.
[5] We know of full sets of these lithographed drawings in the State Historical Museum (GIM) and the Russian Museum. The Military Academic Archive and the Russian State Military Historical Archive (RGVIA) hold 19 of the numbered sheets.
[6] See Viskovatov, A.V. Istoricheskoe opisanie odezhdy i vooruzheniya rossiiskikh voisk. Vol. XI. St. Petersburg, 1900.
[7] In particular, some of the sheets for dragoons were included in General N.V. Dubasovs Istoriya Leib-Gvardii Konnogrenaderskogo polka (Vol. II, St. Petersburg, 1903). Two sheets from the hussar suite are in Captain P.P. Golodolinskiis Istoriya 3-go dragunskogo Sumskogo polka (Part 2, Moscow, 1902).
[8] RGVIA, F. 25, Op. 1/160, D. 1897, L. 7-906.
[9] A.V. Viskovatov, op. cit., Vol. XI. Page 32.
[10] See the file Po vysochaishemu ukazu ob otpuske v kirasirskie i dragunskie polki iz sostyashchikh v Sanktpeterburgskom arsenale i prochikh mestakh novogo kalibra palashei. March-June 1811. RGVIA, F. 5, Op. 4, D. 1239.
[11] The opinion held up to this time regarding the 1810 introduction of a new-model cuirassier broadsword is thus to be recognized as erroneous (c.f. A.V. Viskovatov, op. cit., Vol. XI, Page 18; A.N. Kulinskii, Russkoe kholodnoe oruzhie voennykh, morskikh i grazhdanskikh chinov 1800-1917 godov. Opredelitel. St. Petersburg, 1994. Pages 28-29.). In actuality, according to documents of the War Ministry and the tsesarevichs chancellery, such swords, similar to the French 1805 pattern, were received by the Guards cuirassiers in the spring of 1809 and by army regiments in 1811 (RGVIA, F. 1, Op. 1, D. 1785, L. 10-11, 25, 30-32; F. 25, Op. 1, D. 1535, L. 1-2ob, 5-7ob; F. 3545, Op. 1, D. 520, L. 39, 81).
[12] RGVIA F. 5, Op. 4, D. 1239, L. 1-1ob, 5-8, 17-18; F. 25, Op. 1, D. 1535, L. 2ob.
[13] RGVIA, F. 25, Op. 1/160, D. 1897, L. 2-4ob, 5ob-6.